Mallory Grimste, LCSW - Mental Health Therapist for Teens and Young Adults

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How To (Actually) Stick to Your Goals Using Visualization [Dream Jars]

Everyone knows that sticking your goals is a good thing.

You know the benefits:

  • You feel better.

  • You’re more likely to achieve them.

  • You’re self esteem and confidence rises when you stick it out.

….. the list goes on and on.

Sticking to your goals can be a gamechanger…. if you actually do it.

This is why visualization is so important to living your best life as a teenager.

When you see it, you can be it.

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You might think that visualization is a bit woo-woo, or that it’s super complicated. It’s not. In fact, Olympic athletes, like Michael Phelps, use visualization to help them perform at their best when competing. And he’s won 28 Olympic medals. That’s the most of ANY Olympic athlete to date!

I can show you how to use visualization, using a dream jar, in less than 5 minutes.

First, you’ll need something to write with, pieces of paper, and a container of some sort. I’ve used a mason jar, or paper lunch bags in the past- though you can use any sort of container you have on hand. Just make sure this container will only be used for this.

Next, write out each dream, or goal, you have for yourself and your life on separate pieces of paper. I’m a Post-It notes gal, but you can use any piece of paper you have handy.

For this step, I suggest having a minimum of 3 dreams or goals,, but there’s really no limit or max. Go wild! Even if it seems wildly unrealistic, if it’s in your heart, write it down.

Fold them up and place them in the container. You can shake them up, or use your hand to swirl them around. Then every day, pull one piece of paper out and for 2 minutes think about what life will be like once you’ve accomplished this goal or dream.

Most people struggle to stick with their goals because they forget about them or they get bored. This is a fun way to keep them top of mind. At the end of every teen girls therapy group, everyone writes down and share their top takeaway or one thing they will work on between that group and the next one.

When you share your goals, you build accountability for your commitment to working on them.

If you are concerned that you, or someone you know, may be considering killing themselves, please connect them with help.



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